Thursday, October 18, 2012

Michelson-Morley 2

Verify by calculation that the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment places an upper
limit on Earth’s speed relative to the ether of about 5 km/s.

Because M-M found that N must be less than or equal to 0.01, then his places a maximum velocity limit on this calculation:

Showing the limit mathematically by solving for v with the given information:

The numeric calculation for the above formula is 4.91 km/s

Because the Earth rotates at approximately a rate of 30 km/s, and because the velocity above is much smaller, our calculations imply that the "ether" does not exist. Meaning, there is no preferred reference frame.

Michelson-Morley Experiment 1

A shift of one fringe in the Michelson-Morley experiment would result from a difference
of one wavelength or a change of one period of vibration in the round-trip travel of the light
when the interferometer is rotated by 90°. What speed would Michelson have computed for
Earth’s motion through the ether had the experiment seen a shift of one fringe?

Change in time for the two paths of light:

So we should find fringes for the extra distance that the light travels in time t:
Solving for v:

Given from the M-M Experiment:

Solving for v when N=1, or where the first fringe would have been detected: